February 25, 2011

My fourth weigh-in...

The other day a good friend sent me a link to a truly inspirational blog. The gal had been about about my size and last May she started following virtually the same weight-loss plan that I'm working on and within 10-months she went from a size 18 to a size 10. Her story was amazing. She was amazing. But...

I hated reading it.

I love hearing stories about other people's success but, oddly enough, it never makes me feel more inspired. The only place I have ever been able to draw inspiration from is my own success. Is that bad? Am I broken? Does that make me self-centered? Perhaps that's why I have such a problem with comparing myself to others?

Regardless of whether or not I have "me" issues...

The good news is...

I lost another pound.

And that might not sound like a lot to some of you but to me....

That's inspiring.

But, then again....

So is ice cream.


  1. That's fantastic!!! Yay for you. And no, I hate reading about other people's success; it makes me feel lazy, unproductive, undisciplined, and dumb. I ask myself, "Why can't I do that?" and then I reach for the glass of wine next to me while I continue to watch another hour of tv. You're not alone. Hang in there. I think we just have to want it bad enough.

  2. It's funny that you say that because that's EXACTLY what I did the other night. But it was worth it...the wine was soooo good. :)

  3. hehehe... you are so funny! I think that you need to find your inspiration where ever you see fit... just as long as the lack of movement on the scale doesn't get you discouraged... that is all.

    Congratulations on the 1 pound weight loss... it is better than gaining my friend!

    Make it a great day!

  4. I think it's pretty normal, especially if you're the type to get down on yourself. I sometimes see other people's successes as a sign that I'm not successful, which is silly, but still something I do!

  5. That is wonderful!! I have a weight loss blog, too. {plus a crafty one} I am gonna put you on my Skinny Me blogroll so I can follow along. Stop by sometime!

    Stopping by from SITS:)
