May 11, 2011

I'm trapped...

Julia over at Work, Wife, Mom... Life is one of my favorite working mom bloggers. And for Working Mom's Wednesday she's asking us to write about a topic that is near and dear to my I typically run early, on time, or late?

First of all, how in the world does anyone ever run perfectly on time? They show up like a cloud, floating in quietly... almost effortlessly. They drive up in a freshly washed mini-van, out pop the children dressed head to toe in matching outfits and smiles and are followed closely behind by mom, who is wearing the latest fashions and sporting perfect hair.

Then there are the late people. You know when they have arrived because you hear the screech of the tires as they pull in. The radio is blasting Barney tunes, the children are screaming and running in different directions, at least one of them is wearing a tutu (because in desperation mom finally gave in), and the mother, bless her heart, is just glad that she finally got yesterday's gum out of her hair and was able to find two clean articles of clothing that don't necessarily match but cover up all of the essential parts.

There are also people like me. I arrive early to anything that doesn't require me to bring my child. I hate being late. But, if I have to include Rachel in anything than I'm just happy to get there before it's over. Take church for instance....if we make it to our seats before the offering is taken we feel pretty good about ourselves.

So, in response to Julia's question....I'm an early person trapped in the body of a family who tends to run late.


  1. Ha! I think I'm in the same situation. Except my lateness mostly involves a husband, not children... ;)

  2. I'm the one trapping my family. :) I always think of one more thing I "need to do" before I go.

  3. LOL me too...I try not to run late but dang its hard sometimes in a houseful of MALES:)

  4. Oh my biggest pet peeve is chronic lateness. I suppose that is because I'm chronically 5 minutes early...always. It drives my family nuts, because I'm always stressed about it.

  5. I think you are right - there are definitely situations I will always be early for, and then those that involve getting the kid ready and showing up somewhere, close to on-time... can't win them all :)

  6. Too funny! I don't like to be late either... sometimes it just happens!

  7. oh my, I'm allllllways running late! And goodness gracious, I don't even have kids and still can't be on time! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my SITS day : ) : )

  8. I remember those days of running late because I was trying to coordinate the care and feeding of two little people plus my husband. I don't really miss them. Now I'm somewhere between the always on time and screeching up at the last minute. I just don't usually have a sense of urgency any more.

    Thanks for visiting from SITS. Come back any time. You are always welcome.
